Saturday, 31 October 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist Possibility To Movie

Fullmetal Alchemist 2005 TV

Once upon a time, two brothers passed the happy days of their childhood by studying alchemy, which is governed by

the equal transfer principle: an eye for an eye -- you can't get more than you give. But these brothers tried to

defy that law, and a horrific accident resulted. Now, the older brother, Edward, is called the Full Metal Alchemist

because of his metal limbs, and the younger, Alphonse, is a soul without a body, trapped within the confines of an

automaton. Together they search for the power to restore themselves, to find the lives they lost so long ago...
Possibility To Movie
Why Yes - Why No
Why Yes ?
- all the charchters are westren charchters withwestren names, the story go on in erupen siting so that will help.
- the action way not so shonan styly "supermovies " and scream the atack name
Whay No ?
- the story to long and there not to many things to cut
- the sense of humor can't be use in anime
- the main charchters are kids do adults work look great for anime but stubed for a movie.
- Need Super Huge BUDGET !!!!
things need to ne changes !!!
-the age,Al and Ed is 14-15 years old that will be ridiculous in life action movie, it can be let them in age of 10-11 whin the do the human transfomtion Alchemi , and make the story start whin thy at age of 20-19 years old
-cut lots of story fillers episodes

Possibility To US.cast
Same Cast i will like to see
no one
Movies ideas Summerys
4 movies
1 - about the first 2 episodes and the flash backs show how ed and al grow up, adding few supervillens from fillars episodes not a bad idea.
2 - Scar and the humancles movie, these story end with scar Vs Ed fight.
3 and 4 - the story ending, new ending not that bad idea.

Possibility To success
thy anime fun will never like LiveAction movie :D but thy un-anime fun will go crazy about it.
it can get few awards to :D

Note : these article base on Fullmetal Alchemist 2005 anime not the 2009 anime, whin i see the 2009 anime after it finsh the airing ill do new article.

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